Meet India's first National Maritime Security Coordinator Vice Adm G Ashok Kumar who retired as the navy's vice chief last year. Kumar will report directly to NSA Ajit Doval. Superb officer handpicked for a challenging job.
Biography of Vice Adm G Ashok Kumar
Vice Adm G Ashok Kumar is an alumnus of Sainik School, Amravathi Nagar and National Defence Academy, Khadakvasla, Pune. He was commissioned into the executive branch of the Indian Navy on July 1, 1982.
Vice Adm G Ashok Kumar has held various challenging staff and command assignments during his distinguished career in the Navy for over three decades. After completing his specialisation in Navigation and Direction at Kochi in 1989, he served as the Navigating Officer of Indian Naval ships, including Beas, Nilgiri, Ranvir and Vikrant. His other sea tenures include Commanding Officer of INS Kulish and Ranvir and Executive Officer onboard INS Brahmaputra