[Updated]Daily Important Words from the Article The Hindu for NDA | CDS | CHSL | SSC (Month - March 20)

Daily Important  Words from the Article The Hindu for NDA | CDS | CHSL | SSC (Month - March 20)

This Post will Provide Challenging Word from The Hindu Newspaper  with Pronunciation, Part of Speech,Meaning,Synonyms, Antonyms with Suitable Example

Words which can improve your spoken skills if you them in your daily life. Use atleast 5 words as ur routine..

U can also go through the Newspaper and Find Difficult Words which can be use in daily life…

🌟 Last Updated on-09 March 2020

The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams. 08 March 2020 

1. TREPIDATION (NOUN): (घबराहट): apprehension
Synonyms: anxiety, worry
Antonyms: assurance, composure
Example Sentence:
She had some kind of trepidation in her mind.

2. SPITEFUL (ADJECTIVE): (द्वेषपूर्ण)
: hurtful
Synonyms: barbed, hateful
Antonyms: friendly, kind
Example Sentence:
There stood a very spiteful person in the corner of the room.

3. APPEASE (VERB): (शांत करना)
: pacify
Synonyms: soothe, satisfy
Antonyms: aggravate, irritate
Example Sentence:
Every political party tries to appease the minorities to create its own vote bank.

4. GENUFLECT (VERB): (घुटने के बल बैठना): kowtow
Synonyms: bow, kneel
Antonyms: disrespect, disregard
Example Sentence:
I just genuflect before almighty.

5. BAIT (NOUN): (प्रलोभन)
: enticement
Synonyms: allurement, attraction
Antonyms: discouragement, repulsion
Example Sentence:
Herrings make excellent bait for pike.

: shameless
Synonyms: apparent, blatant
Antonyms: careful, quiet
Example Sentence:
She revealed his barefaced lies.

8. SECEDE (VERB): (किसी मंडली से हटना): split from
Synonyms: quit, break with
Antonyms: maintain, continue
Example Sentence:
The kingdom of Belgium seceded from the Netherlands in 1830.

: delicate
Synonyms: light, vapory
Antonyms: poor, indelicate
Example Sentence:
The moon’s light was accented by an ethereal halo.

10. RUMPUS (NOUN): (उपद्रव): clamor
Synonyms: discord, fracas
Antonyms: harmony, peace
Example Sentence:
Aniruddh caused a rumpus with his flair for troublemaking.

The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams. 08 March 2020 

1. DECIMATE (VERB):(बरबाद करना)
: annihilate
Synonyms: exterminate, obliterate
Antonyms: create, build
Example Sentence:
The corrupt politicians decimated the whole new policy.

2. QUANTUM (NOUN): (परिमाण): quantity, amount
Synonyms: amount, measure
Antonyms: part, whole
Example Sentence:
Measuring the quantum amount of the object destroyed it.

3. ABASEMENT (NOUN): (अपमान): A low or downcast state
Synonyms: abjection, humiliation
Antonyms: praising, commendable
Example Sentence:
Every disaster brought my brother into an attitude of abasement.

4. SUBVERSION (NOUN): (विनाश): end
Synonyms: sabotage, disruption
Antonyms: continuation, assistance
Example Sentence:
I don’t know the extent of the others’ subversion.

5. PROPAGANDA (NOUN): (प्रचार प्रसार): information used in a political point of view
Synonyms: indoctrination, publicity
Antonyms: truth, principle
Example Sentence:
During election season, politicians try to beat rivals by airing propaganda.

6.DISCRETIONARY(ADJECTIVE)(विवेकाधीन): optional or non-compulsory
Synonyms: unrestricted, elective
Antonyms: non-discretionary, restricted
Example Sentence:
You have now the discretionary power for the recruitment.

7. LEGITIMATE (ADJECTIVE): (वैध): legal
Synonyms: sensible, consistent
Antonyms: abnormal, illegal
Example Sentence:
The children were legitimate heirs.

8. DELINEATE (VERB): (चित्रित करना): describe
Synonyms: define, depict
Antonyms: distort, confuse
Example Sentence:
It is very difficult to delineate this chapter in few words

9. ACQUIESCE (VERB): (मौन स्वीकृति देना): accede
Synonyms: conform, comply
Antonyms: deny, resist
Example Sentence:
I would rather acquiesce to his wish.

10. ABORTIVE (ADJECTIVE): (निष्फल): vain
Synonyms: useless, fruitless
Antonyms: productive, progressive
Example Sentence:
She made an abortive attempt to climb the mountain.

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